Berita Keselamatan - The clouds dispel Disappointment


Berita Keselamatan - The clouds dispel Disappointment

Through a long process, that is, after many hardships and trials through I learned that life is not always beautiful.
Sometimes God allows hardship, trials, or the suffering of my coloring. I learned that not everything that I hoped to be true, especially when the Lord turned the direction of the plan and hopes to fit his plans and hopes. The plan is much better than my plan, so I tried to learn to accept it with joy. Of all the experience there was one thing I know. He never left me! Because it from day to day I learned to enjoy life with a grateful heart. I continue to learn to be disciples of Christ who understand that the hardships and trials will come up to me, but it was not going to a fall faith and my expectations, because they do not exceed my strength. I learned that there are no events to regret, let alone made me disappointed in God. I'm being positive about God and myself, because a positive attitude will nourish my body and refresh my soul that remains strong to face hardship after hardship. Patience and the decision to wait for the Lord is the key to winning in a time like this.

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