Berita Keselamatan - Focus on THE GOOD AND TRUE


Berita Keselamatan - Focus on THE GOOD AND TRUE

"The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field." Matthew 13:24

A famous author, John C. Maxwell, said that in fact the biggest battle in the human mind. The mind is very powerful and can affect a person's life. Therefore, we must be careful with our thoughts. There's a saying: "sowed in the mind will reap the action; sows in action will reap a habit; sow a habit you reap a character and you reap a character sows life purpose."

Our minds, such as land, never choose and care for what kind of seeds we planted about. If we sow the seeds of corn, the soil will respond, and grow. So, too, if we sow the seeds of paddy or perhaps passing, weeds and nuisance plants once did, the land will still respond to those seeds and grow them too.

Whatever we bear in mind, whether it's the things that any good or negative, our thoughts will soon receive, respond and grow, no matter it will have positive impact / negative impact on our lives: bring to the success or otherwise self-destruction. Conscious or not, we often describe bad things about ourselves: life full of trouble, I'm not going to work, my pain will not heal, my family fall apart, I'm stupid, I do not have anything (poor), my future bleak and so on. Negative things that we say it will be responded to by our thoughts in the form of attitudes and actions, which in time will produce the exact same thing as what we sow. But when we planted the positive things: the spirit or sense of confidence, we thought it would respond to the attitudes and our actions so that our lives will be as we expected. Therefore saith the Lord warned, "... whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is delicious to hear, all that is called virtue and praiseworthy, think on these things." (Philippians 4:8).

The seed that we planted in the mind determines the outcome of our lives!

Berita Keselamatan - The less


Berita Keselamatan - The less

  Always generous with regard to the attitude to give; either give
  time, energy, material, or also give yourself. However, not all
  gift departed from generosity. Because people could have
  gives a specific purpose, there pamrihnya alias.

  Greek language is generous eleemon (Hebrew: khessed).
  This word has three meanings: (1) Sympathy, willingness to
  menangung distress and sorrow of others; (2) Empathy, the willingness
  to put himself in "positions" of others; participate Sensing and
  experiencing what other people feel and experience; (3) forgiveness,
  willingness to forgive others who hurt, and then started
  Return new relations without the shadow of hatred.

  In this modern age, the values of generosity more
  eroded. Sympathy into something rare. People can be as
  talking laughing plight of others, or
  Even the butter added difficulties to others whose lives have
  difficult. Empathy is also increasingly difficult to find. People easily cast
  criticism, slander, gossip, ridicule of others, without
  think about what if they or their families who
  experience. Similarly, the forgiveness, the more expensive. Fertile
  just revenge; eye for eye, tooth for tooth, blow
  Returned the blow, bomb bomb returned. In fact worse.

  Generosity is a reflection of the nature of God the Father. And our task
  is to continue to grow and develop in the life
  daily. For that we can start from our environment
  closest _AYA

                 At the time of MERCY HEART IS NOW
               Like a glass of FRESH AIR IN PADANG Gersang

Berita Keselamatan - Remembering HEROES


Berita Keselamatan - Remembering HEROES

 The more it's hard to find heroes. Current media
 celebrity spotlight more often than the hero. David Aikman in
 The Great Souls confirmed the difference between "hero" (great man)
 and "celebrities" (Selebrity). Celebrity, quoting historian Daniel
 Boorstin, is "someone who is known for his stature".
 The great means "prominent, famous, leading,
 respectable, high, noble, noble, diligent, hard working, great, amazing ".
 So, the hero refers to people with superior achievement
 characterized by one or more of the great qualities of character; people who
 get up in the midst of hardship or suffering; can
 maintaining moral purity in the face of trials

 Description is in accordance with the heroes of faith in the Bible. Bible
 call it "righteous", those who fear the
 God and obey His commandments. According to the psalmist, they "will
 remembered for ever "(Psalm 112:6), and Solomon stated that
 memories of their "bring blessings" (Proverbs 10:7). Remembering
 the right, on the one hand, to show appreciation and respect
 us. Memory, on the other hand, would inspire us to
 emulate their heroism.

 You missed the heroes of the faith? You can read the story of heroes of the faith
 in the Bible or books biography. However, there could be a hero in the
 around us. Though maybe not famous, they have
 life of exemplary faith. Why do we not think
 way to thank them? _ARS

                       TRUE heroism
                   Heroism inspires OTHER

Berita Keselamatan - Sure Can


Berita Keselamatan - Sure Can

A quarterback University of Louisiville dream to become a professional football player. but unfortunately've at graduation time that no single club that intends to offer into their team. This young man did not give up, he then tried to apply to some teams and could eventually also a chance to start the Pittsburgh Steelers. But even if he've tried as hard as possible, he finally is rejected as well. Many of his friends said, "You damn banget tuh! Places you do not belong here once! Udah shoes hanging aja! But he remains desperate into another club, send an application, but again he still did not work.

Most people when having failed many times kept up, but this young man would not give up. He knew perfectly well how his abilities and believe that one day his dream would become reality. He was patient, diligent, keep training and trying to grab the opportunity.

At one point, he got an invitation to start in Baltimore and the team .... he managed to score three goals in a row. Since then, his career and he recorded off the best quarterback ever to play in the NFL, he was Johnny Unitas.

Because of persistence, patience, persistence, willingness to continue practicing, and optimistic attitude, the young man repeatedly refused, even become the best player in the NFL.

In the Lord, we really can achieve all our dreams. Sometimes we fail to make it real is ourselves, not failure. If we focus on our dreams and goals have confidence we can reply, would one day our dream will become reality. Not all success is achieved with easy and instant way.

Ups and downs while building dreams are common. Only people who do not stop to try that one day will achieve his dream.

Rely on God, rounded determination, and do not stop to keep trying, then someday will open a golden opportunity to achieve a dream.

"Do not be sour and lose heart, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
(Joshua 1: 9)

Berita Keselamatan - MENJAGA KOMITMEN

Berita Keselamatan - MENJAGA KOMITMEN

Setiap tahun baru, banyak orang membicarakan resolusi: tahun baru,
komitmen baru. Namun, apa yang terjadi dengan komitmen kita saat
nanti, bulan demi bulan berlalu? Terkadang gemanya hampir tak
terdengar lagi; bahkan terlupakan atau tak dipedulikan lagi. Ironis,

Mari belajar dari Yesus. Meskipun hidup-Nya di dunia diwarnai
penolakan dari para pemimpin agama waktu itu, penyangkalan murid-Nya,
bahkan berujung pada penderitaan di kayu salib, Dia tetap setia.
Komitmen-Nya teguh dalam berbagai keadaan. Bagaimana Dia dapat tetap
setia sampai akhir? Kuncinya terungkap dari ucapan-Nya, "Makanan-Ku
ialah melakukan kehendak Dia yang mengutus Aku dan menyelesaikan
pekerjaan-Nya" (ayat 34).

Dia berpuasa empat puluh hari empat puluh malam, dan selama itu Dia
tak pernah absen melakukan kehendak Bapa. Dia pernah meminta agar
cawan penderitaan berlalu dari-Nya, tetapi Dia menyerahkan kembali
keputusan akhirnya ke tangan Bapa. Dia tidak pernah hidup di luar
kehendak Bapa, sebab hidup-Nya adalah untuk melakukan kehendak Bapa.
Inilah yang membuat hidup-Nya menjadi teladan komitmen yang sempurna.
Komitmen yang dijaga dengan setia sampai akhir.

Bagaimana dengan kita? Hidup kita perlu diisi tidak hanya dengan
berbagai perbuatan baik menurut ukuran dunia, tetapi juga dengan
melakukan kehendak Bapa setiap saat. Tantangan pasti ada, tetapi mari
kita teladani kesungguhan-Nya untuk melakukan kehendak Bapa dalam
segala keadaan. Buatlah komitmen untuk setia menjadi saksi-Nya dan
lakukanlah dengan setia hingga akhir. Dengan demikian, hidup kita
memuliakan-Nya --HA


e-RH Situs:

Berita Keselamatan - Fear The Positive


Berita Keselamatan - Fear The Positive

A year of reading Scripture: Psalm 121; 2 John 1; Ezekiel 42, 25
In the event of a great thunderstorm, a mother and her child was put to bed kemudia room lights turned off. But because of the storm, the boy then asked, "Mama, Mama would go with me to sleep tonight?" Hugging her, the mother replied, "No way, honey. I had to sleep with Daddy." When he came out of her room, her mother heard, "Daddy Basic coward!"
The story above of course only a joke, but the fear is the real thing. For some, the fear must always be negative connotations. But was it? In the Bible that you and I read, there are verses of Scripture that states that fear can lead to something positive. One verse that I mean is in II Chronicles 17:10, which reads, "fear of the LORD upon all the kingdoms of the countries around Judah, so that they do not dare to fight against Jehoshaphat".
When you read II Chronicles 17 starting from verse 3 to verse 10, you'll find that King Jehoshaphat wanted people to have respect and fear of the Lord. So do not be confused when he finally made the major provision that all the people who lead must learn the law of God. He knew that if people respect for God, they will be humble and obey God. Doing what is right will bring prosperity to Judah and the respect of other kingdoms.
Proverbs 15:33 says, "The fear of the Lord is the education that brings wisdom." People who have a fear of him will act with wisdom; they walk faithfully before him while obeying His commandments.
The fear that will keep our right to not make mistakes.

Berita Keselamatan - KEEPING SECRETS


Berita Keselamatan - KEEPING SECRETS

 Imagine. One day you meet a famous movie actor in
 airport lounge. He sat next to you, even invite you
 talk. What would you do? Maybe you'll take
 photographs with; capture rare events. Arriving at
 house, you certainly could not stand to share the experience
 special to everyone.

Berita Keselamatan - BUKU PANDUAN


Berita Keselamatan - BUKU PANDUAN

Belum lama saya membeli handphone baru. Saya merasa begitu kesulitan
saat pertama kali memakainya karena tidak mengerti cara
menggunakannya. Lalu saya membaca buku panduan penggunaannya. Dan
terperangah mendapati begitu banyak fasilitas yang tersedia dan dapat
dipergunakan. Namun, ada juga banyak larangan dan peringatan, demi
keamanan saya dan orang-orang yang berkomunikasi dengan saya.
Sayangnya, banyak orang tidak mematuhi peringatan itu, sehingga
terjadi kecelakaan yang tak diinginkan. Ada juga yang enggan membaca
buku panduan, sehingga tak maksimal memakai fitur yang ada.

Berita Keselamatan - HATI SEORANG HAMBA


Berita Keselamatan - HATI SEORANG HAMBA

Hamba adalah seseorang yang menyadarkan dirinya untuk selalu berserah
dan hanya menuruti segala kehendak tuannya. Demikian pula setiap
orang yang mengaku sebagai hamba Allah, seharusnya siap untuk
berkata, "Jadilah kehendak-Mu." Kita mungkin akan segera menjawab
bahwa kita bisa mengatakannya. Namun, ketika sebuah kenyataan berat
menuntut jawaban kita tersebut, sungguhkah kita dapat melakukannya?
Adakah kita sungguh mau menerima kehendak Allah dengan segala
konsekuensinya, atau kita cenderung ingin mengubah kehendak Allah

Berita Keselamatan - Disgruntled attitude is a sin


Berita Keselamatan - Disgruntled attitude is a sin
Where the inclusion of God the most you feel in this life? Is the time everything went smoothly, all available and even the overflow? If you consider Israel's history records, we find the inclusion of God's most visible is on the way in the wilderness. Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire which in turn leads them day and night (verses 14-16). Water gushing from the rock to release their thirst in a dry desert heat (verses 15-16). More magic again, grains manna every day down to become bread (verses 23-25). In fact, God sent the afternoon of quail meat for their pleasure (verses 26-28).
God watching them not only in spiritual matters, through the Torah and all orders, but also in the physical case with abundant. However, what his people return? Grumbling because of dissatisfaction and distrust! They are not satisfied with the abundance that they receive (paragraph 18). They longed to enjoy the food as before in Egypt, but there they were enslaved. They do not believe that God really cares for them or their sufficient (verses 19-20). Even after all presented so magical, they are still not satisfied (verses 29-30). No wonder that God was angry and punished them (verse 31).
Is there any similarity your experience with the experienced people of Israel? Maybe even you have never experienced the wilderness. That there is always the green pastures and streams filling the silence and clear for a refreshing thirst. But if you feel God's presence and it makes you grateful and happy heart? Or you masihkah grumbled because they feel not satisfied and because you think it should you accept all this good? Careful! Dissatisfied attitude is the attitude of ingratitude to God!

Berita Keselamatan - Forgiveness


Berita Keselamatan - Forgiveness

When Karol Wojtyla was still teaching at a university in Poland, he had a student who is very close to him who named Adam Zielinski. He did not realize / suspect that the student was actually a spy sent by the Communist Party in the new Polish government after the Nazi regime, to find fault that could be used to catch it. However, along his observations that espionage, Zielinski did not find things that do Wojtyla subversive enough evidence to make a suspect in the political situation that has not been decisive in the country. What happened instead, he was just getting familiar with Wojtyla as a servant of God who truly dedicated his life to God, also for the nation and country. Zielinski finally apologized before his teacher.

Seeing and hearing confession admitting guilt Zielinski with regret and broken hearts, Wojtyla says "if you made mistakes, you already paid for them", meaning, expressed regret that it was enough to pay for his mistake. Wojtyla, with easy to forgive him, he did not ask why he was committing crimes against them, what their background, or annoyed, angry and vindictive. Zielinski had never expected that he got an apology and forgiveness from his teacher that easy, but it was he who had been causing his teacher had suffered difficulties due to the pressures of the communist party. Why Wojtyla so easily forgive him? Therefore, the price of a contrite spirit is more expensive, and resentment is not comparable to the beauty of repentance.

This is one of the stories told in the film "Karol: A Man Who Became Pope", the story of life Pope John Paul II, who played very well by Polish actor Piotr Adamczyk. And also good background music from one of the best composer Ennio Morricone. And the film is suitable as a form of homage / tribute to one of the best leaders of the Church, even one of the best leaders of the world, we know that many of his personal ideals.

when it became Pope, he also made a note of forgiveness in history, a young Turk Mehmet Ali Ağca on May 13, 1981, shot him in St. Peter's square. After recovering from his wounds, he rushed to meet him. He embraced and forgave those who intend to kill her.

Berita Keselamatan - At the RIGHT LOVE


Berita Keselamatan - At the RIGHT LOVE

Quilkin MC Robertson resigned from his position as rector at Columbia International University with a reason to care for his wife, Muriel, who hurt Alzheimer's disease, namely disorders of brain function.

Muriel's like a baby, can not do anything, even to eat, bathe and even defecate he must be helped. Robertson decided to treat his wife with his own hands, as Muriel is a very special woman for him.

But never a time when Robertson used to clean floors and Muriel Ompol out instead scattered awareness Muriel own urine, then Robertson suddenly lost control of his emotions. He brushed off his hands and hit his calf Muriel, in order to stop it.

After that Robertson was sorry and said to himself, "What's the point I hit him, though not loud, but it was quite surprising. For 44 years we were married, I've never hit in anger, but now when he really needed me, I treat it that way. Forgive me, O Lord, "

So regardless of whether Muriel understand or not, Robertson apologized for things he had done.

On February 14, 1995, Robertson and Muriel, entered a special day because on that date in 1948, Muriel Robertson apply. And on that special day Muriel Robertson, bathing, and preparing dinner with Muriel's favorite menu and at night before bed he kissed and Muriel's hand and prayed, "Lord Jesus is good, you love Muriel more than I loved him, so keep your lover This heart throughout the night and let him hear the song of your angel. Amen! "

In the morning, when Robetson exercise using static bicycle, Muriel awakened from sleep. He tried to take a comfortable position, then smiles sweetly at Robertson. For the first time in months that Muriel never called Robertson spoke with a soft voice and clear, "Honey .... My dear ..." Robertson jumped from his bike and immediately embraced her that he loved so much.

"My dear, you really love me not?" asked Muriel.

After seeing a nod and a smile on his face Robetson, Muriel whispered, "I'm happy!" And it's the last words spoken to Muriel Robertson.

Maintaining and happy people who have given meaning in our lives is a prayer before the Lord. Care of the husband or wife who is helpless is a noble deed. Take care of father, mother or in-laws is the duty of a son or daughter. Taking care of a grandparent who was old and senile, too is the responsibility of the grandchildren. Do not ignore those who have old, especially when they are not able to do anything else. Cultivate them with patience and loving.

Berita Keselamatan - WEAKNESSES corroborating


Berita Keselamatan - WEAKNESSES corroborating

 At one point, a priest on a ship from Pontianak, going to the
 to Semarang. In the middle of the sea, a passenger who allegedly
 stress jumped into the sea. All the passengers became rowdy. Crew
 immediately turned off the engine, but they do not get help.
 Only when people are looking limp limp, the crew
 lowered the boat, swam to reach the victim, and lifting
 to the lifeboat. Why are these people allowed to limp? Crew
 replied, "People who are weak will more easily be helped. If
 someone still powerful, so he tends to struggle and hard
 appointed. "

 Paul is a great person. In the book of Acts, we
 read that he healed the lame man (14:8-10). Handkerchief
 can bring about miracles (19:12). He raise the dead
 (20:9,10). He makes many miracles (28:9). However, he
 allowed within the helpless condition. He can not help
 himself. Three times already he cried, but God is also not
 release (2 Corinthians 12:8).

 Perhaps we also have that skill, experience, and
 our ability, does not free us from problems. We have
 many prayers, but God seems to permit us to "weak
 helpless ". Why? His Word:" ... in weakness
 My power is made perfect. "That is what ultimately makes Paul
 dare to say: "Therefore, I especially like the glory of
 weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest on me down "(2 Corinthians

Berita Keselamatan - FAITH OF AGE


Berita Keselamatan - FAITH OF AGE

Reading: Daniel 3:1-30
Year: Luke 18-21
Nas: ... that we will not worship the gods, my lord, and will not be
worship the golden statue which was founded my lord. (Daniel 3:18)

For what you believe? "So I experienced a miracle of God",
"So every time praying, God answered my prayers", "So
God always watch over and protect me from danger "," So
if I die go to heaven. "These phrases are
sounds very good. However, it actually reflects
pendangkalan meaning. If we work to get the wages, it
reasonable. However, if we believe in order to get anything
what we want, it shows the faith that is not sincere,
intention, and childish.

oF AGE _seperti also love adults always  means without
conditions, with no strings attached. Not so; to get this and that
we want to, but though; though life does not run as
which we hope. Mature faith is demonstrated by Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego. When King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue
large and ordered all the people who live in the area for
worship the statue, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused
follow the order.

"There's no point we give an answer to my master in this case.
If the God we worship we are able to save us, and he will
release us from the fire that was burning, and from the
your hand, O king; but if not, let my lord
know, O king, that we will not worship the god lord, and
would not worship the golden statue which was erected my lord, "so
they answer (verses 16-18). As a result, they must face
with punishment. However, God did not leave them

Berita Keselamatan - SATU-SATUNYA JALAN


Berita Keselamatan - SATU-SATUNYA JALAN

Seorang guru Sekolah Minggu memegang dua balon di tangannya, dan
meminta anak-anak menebak balon mana yang akan terbang ke atas. Ia
lalu melepaskan balon itu. Yang satu langsung membubung ke langit,
yang lain melayang sebentar lalu turun ke lantai.

"Dari luar, kedua balon itu tampak sama. Yang membedakan adalah
isinya. Yang satu berisi udara biasa, yang lain berisi gas helium,"
jelasnya. "Begitu juga dengan jalan ke surga. Tuhan tidak memandang
penampilan luar kita. Tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa pergi ke surga
karena kemampuan dan kebaikannya sendiri. Yang menentukan adalah apa
yang mengisi kita. Apakah kita diisi oleh perkara-perkara dari dunia
ini, atau kita diisi oleh Penyelamat dari surga yang hidup dan
menghidupkan: Tuhan Yesus Kristus?"

Firman Tuhan telah memberikan jawaban yang gamblang atas pertanyaan
yang sangat penting dan mendasar bagi manusia: Bagaimana kita dapat
mengenal jalan menuju Allah? Tuhan Yesus Kristus menjawab secara
tegas bahwa Dialah satu-satunya Jalan untuk datang kepada Bapa.
Dialah satu-satunya Pengantara antara Allah dan manusia karena hanya
Dia yang sepenuhnya Allah dan sepenuhnya manusia. Dialah Penyelamat
yang rohani dan yang kekal, yang sanggup membawa kita kembali ke
rumah Bapa.

Dengan apakah kita mengisi kehidupan kita? Moralitas, etika,
nilai-nilai dari dunia ini, yang bagaimanapun luhurnya tidak akan
dapat mengantarkan kita kembali kepada Allah? Atau, dengan anugerah
Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus? Kita dapat memutuskan pada hari ini
jalan mana yang akan kita tempuh --ARS


e-RH Situs:




Bacaan : Kejadian 50:15-21

Kepada seseorang yang pernah disakiti atau dikecewakan orang lain, kita
kerap memberi nasihat seperti ini, "Sudah, lupakan. Yang lalu biarlah
berlalu. Tidak usah diingat-ingat. Toh diingat pun tidak ada gunanya."
Sebuah nasihat yang baik dan kedengaran bijak, tetapi sebetulnya tidak
tepat. Sebab tidak mungkin kita melupakan kesakitan dan kepahitan yang
pernah kita alami. Betapa yang namanya pengalaman buruk, atau "kesakitan"
 yang ditimbulkan orang lain pada masa lalu tidak bisa kita hapus dari
ingatan kita. Itu sudah menjadi sejarah hidup kita.

Yang bisa kita lakukan bukan melupakannya, melainkan mengingatnya dengan
cara baru. Bukan menghapusnya dari ingatan kita, tapi memaknainya dari
sudut pandang iman. Inilah yang dilakukan oleh Yusuf. Ia pernah begitu
dibenci saudara-saudaranya. Mereka menganiaya, bahkan menjualnya sebagai
budak. Ia kemudian bekerja di rumah Potifar. Difitnah oleh istri Potifar,
lalu dipenjarakan. Sampai akhirnya ia menjadi orang penting di negeri Mesir.

Namun, Yusuf tidak membenci dan menyimpan dendam pada saudara-saudaranya.
Saat mereka datang dalam posisi sebagai orang-orang yang meminta
pertolongan, Yusuf menerimanya dengan tangan terbuka. Padahal, sebagai
orang yang sangat berkuasa di Mesir, Yusuf bisa saja membalas perlakuan
buruk mereka terhadapnya dulu.

Yusuf tidak melupakan perbuatan buruk saudara-saudaranya di masa lalu.
Ia melihatnya dengan cara baru dari sudut pandang Allah. Ia bekata,
"Memang kamu telah mereka-rekakan yang jahat terhadap aku, tetapi Allah
telah mereka-rekakannya untuk kebaikan" (ayat 20). Dan, pengampunan
pun terjadi --AYA


e-RH Situs:

Memang kamu telah mereka-rekakan yang jahat terhadap aku, tetapi
Allah telah mereka-rekakannya untuk kebaikan, dengan maksud melakukan
seperti yang terjadi sekarang ini, yakni memelihara hidup suatu
bangsa yang besar. (Kejadian 50:20)

Berita Keselamatan - DIATUR OLEH TUHAN


Berita Keselamatan - DIATUR OLEH TUHAN

"pengajaran yang lemah lembut ada di lidahnya" Amsal 31:26b

Untuk mempersatukan dua manusia sebagai suami isteri, Allah telah mengatur bahwa haruslah ada ketaatan dan kasih dalam rumah tangga mereka. Dia tidak meminta suami atau isteri mencari kesalahan masing-masing. Dia tidak menetapkan suami-suami untuk menjadi instruktur isteri-isteri, atau isteri-isteri Rata Penuhuntuk menjadi guru suami mereka. Seorang suami tidak perlu mengubah isterinya, demikian juga halnya dengan isteri. Bagaimanapun sifat dan keadaan pasangan hidupmu, hendaklah kau mengharap hidup dengannya selamanya. Mereka masing-masing harus belajar menutup mata akan kekurangan masing-masing. Mereka harus belajar mencintai, bukan mencoba mencari kesalahan masing-masing.

Sebagai orang Kristen kita harus belajar menyangkal diri. Menyangkal diri berarti melengkapi seorang terhadap yang lain. Keluarga butuh disiplin, berarti harus belajar mau menyisihkan pendapatnya sendiri dalam memberikan pertimbangan pasangan hidupnya. Pengajaran yang lemah lembut harus ada di lidah para isteri, baik terhadap anak-anaknya, maupun terhadap suami atau sesamanya.

Demikian pula sebagai mempelai Kristus, harus taat dan hidup setia kepada mempelai laki-laki, yaitu Kristus Yesus, tanpa mempedulikan keadaan dan situasi kita. Kita harus mempersembahkan kehidupan kita seutuhnya kepada Kristus, dan tidak hidup separuh buat ilah-ilah lain. Kata Tuhan, "Berpegangkah pada perintahKu, dan engkau akan hidup; simpanlah ajaranku seperti biji matamu" (Amsal 7:2)

Isteri yang cakap lebih berharga dari pada permata.

Sumber : http://renungan- harian-kita. blogspot. com/

Berita Keselamatan - JIKA KITA MENJADI MARAH


Berita Keselamatan - JIKA KITA MENJADI MARAH

Dengan wajah ketakutan dan suara pelan terbata-bata, anak saya
berkata, "Mama kalau marah, mengerikan. Aku takut!" Saya tertegun
mendengarnya. Kemarahan ternyata membuat saya tampak mengerikan!

Marah yang tidak terkendali, bisa merugikan. Apabila seseorang begitu
dikuasai kemarahan, ia bisa dibuat buta; seperti kehilangan akal
sehat, bersikap ngawur, tak peduli dan tak kenal siapa yang menjadi
sasaran kemarahannya. Marah semacam itu bisa menghancurkan semangat,
hubungan, juga kedamaian. Maka, firman Tuhan hari ini mengingatkan
agar jika kita sedang marah, kita jangan bersikap seperti manusia
lama yang belum mengenal Kristus. Manusia lama yang ketika marah
cenderung bersikap bodoh, berhati degil, dan berperasaan tumpul (ayat

Kemarahan yang tidak terkendali bisa membuat kita mudah berbuat dosa
karena itu bisa menyakiti dan melukai diri kita sendiri dan orang
lain. Namun, pengenalan akan Kristus dan pembaruan roh serta pikiran
akan memampukan kita menahan diri untuk tidak berbuat dosa (ayat
21-23). Menyimpan kemarahan menumbuhkan akar pahit di hati dan
pikiran. Lama-lama ia bisa merusak jiwa dan raga. Kita diingatkan
supaya membuang kemarahan sebelum matahari terbenam (ayat 26).
Kemarahan bisa sangat mungkin menjadi tempat iblis memorak-porandakan
kehidupan. Maka, Tuhan meminta kita untuk tidak memberi kesempatan
kepada iblis (ayat 27).

Di dalam Kristus, kita mengenakan manusia baru dalam kebenaran dan
kekudusan (ayat 24). Jadi, mari terus berubah oleh pembaruan budi di
dalam Dia --CDW


e-RH Situs:

Berita Keselamatan - Kata-kata Bijak : Hari-hari


Berita Keselamatan - Kata-kata Bijak : Hari-hari

Dalam hidup ini hanya ada 3 hari, yaitu

Yang pertama;

Hari kemarin. (PAST)

Anda tak bisa mengubah apa pun yang telah terjadi.
Anda tak bisa menarik perkataan yang telah terucapkan.
Anda tak mungkin lagi menghapus kesalahan; dan mengulangi kegembiraan yang anda rasakan kemarin.
Biarkan hari kemarin lewat; lepaskan saja...

Yang kedua:

Hari esok. (FUTURE)

Hingga mentari esok hari terbit,
Anda tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi.
Anda tak bisa melakukan apa-apa esok hari.
Anda tak mungkin sedih atau ceria di esok hari.
Esok hari belum tiba; biarkan saja...

Yang tersisa kini hanyalah :

Hari ini. (PRESENT)

Pintu masa lalu telah tertutup;
Pintu masa depan pun belum tiba.
Pusatkan saja diri anda untuk hari ini.
Anda dapat mengerjakan lebih banyak hal hari ini bila anda mampu memaafkan hari kemarin dan melepaskan ketakutan akan esok hari.
Hiduplah hari ini. Karena, masa lalu dan masa depan hanyalah permainan pikiran yang rumit.
Hiduplah apa adanya.
Karena yang ada hanyalah hari ini; hari ini yang abadi.
Menyia-nyiakan Waktumu adalah menyia-nyiakan hidupmu, tetapi menguasai waktumu adalah menguasai hidupmu.

Perlakukan setiap orang dengan kebaikan hati dan rasa hormat, meski mereka berlaku buruk pada anda.
Cintailah seseorang sepenuh hati hari ini, karena mungkin besok cerita sudah berganti.
Ingatlah bahwa anda menunjukkan penghargaan pada orang lain bukan karena siapa mereka, tetapi karena siapakah diri anda sendiri

Jadi teman, jangan biarkan masa lalu mengekangmu atau masa depan membuatmu bingung, lakukan yang terbaik HARI INI dan lakukan SEKARANG juga !

Sumber : http://renungan- harian-kita. blogspot. com/

Berita Keselamatan - At the RIGHT LOVE


Berita Keselamatan - At the RIGHT LOVE

Quilkin MC Robertson resigned from his position as rector at Columbia International University with a reason to care for his wife, Muriel, who hurt Alzheimer's disease, namely disorders of brain function.

Muriel's like a baby, can not do anything, even to eat, bathe and even defecate he must be helped. Robertson decided to treat his wife with his own hands, as Muriel is a very special woman for him.

But never a time when Robertson used to clean floors and Muriel Ompol out instead scattered awareness Muriel own urine, then Robertson suddenly lost control of his emotions. He brushed off his hands and hit his calf Muriel, in order to stop it.

After that Robertson was sorry and said to himself, "What's the point I hit him, though not loud, but it was quite surprising. For 44 years we were married, I've never hit in anger, but now when he really needed me, I treat it that way. Forgive me, O Lord, "

So regardless of whether Muriel understand or not, Robertson apologized for things he had done.

On February 14, 1995, Robertson and Muriel, entered a special day because on that date in 1948, Muriel Robertson apply. And on that special day Muriel Robertson, bathing, and preparing dinner with Muriel's favorite menu and at night before bed he kissed and Muriel's hand and prayed, "Lord Jesus is good, you love Muriel more than I loved him, so keep your lover This heart throughout the night and let him hear the song of your angel. Amen! "

In the morning, when Robetson exercise using static bicycle, Muriel awakened from sleep. He tried to take a comfortable position, then smiles sweetly at Robertson. For the first time in months that Muriel never called Robertson spoke with a soft voice and clear, "Honey .... My dear ..." Robertson jumped from his bike and immediately embraced her that he loved so much.

"My dear, you really love me not?" asked Muriel.

After seeing a nod and a smile on his face Robetson, Muriel whispered, "I'm happy!" And it's the last words spoken to Muriel Robertson.

Maintaining and happy people who have given meaning in our lives is a prayer before the Lord. Care of the husband or wife who is helpless is a noble deed. Take care of father, mother or in-laws is the duty of a son or daughter. Taking care of a grandparent who was old and senile, too is the responsibility of the grandchildren. Do not ignore those who have old, especially when they are not able to do anything else. Cultivate them with patience and loving.

Berita Keselamatan - Forgiveness


Berita Keselamatan - Forgiveness

When Karol Wojtyla was still teaching at a university in Poland, he had a student who is very close to him who named Adam Zielinski. He did not realize / suspect that the student was actually a spy sent by the Communist Party in the new Polish government after the Nazi regime, to find fault that could be used to catch it. However, along his observations that espionage, Zielinski did not find things that do Wojtyla subversive enough evidence to make a suspect in the political situation that has not been decisive in the country. What happened instead, he was just getting familiar with Wojtyla as a servant of God who truly dedicated his life to God, also for the nation and country. Zielinski finally apologized before his teacher.

Seeing and hearing confession admitting guilt Zielinski with regret and broken hearts, Wojtyla says "if you made mistakes, you already paid for them", meaning, expressed regret that it was enough to pay for his mistake. Wojtyla, with easy to forgive him, he did not ask why he was committing crimes against them, what their background, or annoyed, angry and vindictive. Zielinski had never expected that he got an apology and forgiveness from his teacher that easy, but it was he who had been causing his teacher had suffered difficulties due to the pressures of the communist party. Why Wojtyla so easily forgive him? Therefore, the price of a contrite spirit is more expensive, and resentment is not comparable to the beauty of repentance.

This is one of the stories told in the film "Karol: A Man Who Became Pope", the story of life Pope John Paul II, who played very well by Polish actor Piotr Adamczyk. And also good background music from one of the best composer Ennio Morricone. And the film is suitable as a form of homage / tribute to one of the best leaders of the Church, even one of the best leaders of the world, we know that many of his personal ideals.

when it became Pope, he also made a note of forgiveness in history, a young Turk Mehmet Ali Ağca on May 13, 1981, shot him in St. Peter's square. After recovering from his wounds, he rushed to meet him. He embraced and forgave those who intend to kill her.

Berita Keselamatan -FAITH OF AGE


Berita Keselamatan -FAITH OF AGE

Date: Monday, November 2, 2009
Reading: Daniel 3:1-30
Year: Luke 18-21
Nas: ... that we will not worship the gods, my lord, and will not be
worship the golden statue which was founded my lord. (Daniel 3:18)

For what you believe? "So I experienced a miracle of God",
"So every time praying, God answered my prayers", "So
God always watch over and protect me from danger "," So
if I die go to heaven. "These phrases are
sounds very good. However, it actually reflects
pendangkalan meaning. If we work to get the wages, it
reasonable. However, if we believe in order to get anything
what we want, it shows the faith that is not sincere,
intention, and childish.

Adult faith as well as adults love always means no
conditions, with no strings attached. Not so; to get this and that
we want to, but though; though life does not run as
which we hope. Mature faith is demonstrated by Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego. When King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue
large and ordered all the people who live in the area for
worship the statue, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused
follow the order.

"There's no point we give an answer to my master in this case.
If the God we worship we are able to save us, and he will
release us from the fire that was burning, and from the
your hand, O king; but if not, let my lord
know, O king, that we will not worship the god lord, and
would not worship the golden statue which was erected my lord, "so
they answer (verses 16-18). As a result, they must face
with punishment. However, God did not leave them


Berita Keselamatan - There's Never Too Late


Berita Keselamatan - There's Never Too Late

Is it true that we are never too old to start a new career or make dramatic changes in our lives? What if we was 72 or even 82 years? Is it our age too late to learn a new language? Well, not really. Two hundred years ago the Roman statesman, Cato, learned Greek at the age of 80 years. Can we be more creative at that age? What about Goethe? His masterpiece, `Faust 'not perfect until he was 80 years old. And Michelangelo tahuh aged 71 when he painted the Sistine Chapel.

Need more examples? Luigi Cornaro, a scholar from Venice, began to write a geriatric at the age of 83 years. His classic treatise `The Joys of Old Age 'was written [there in 1562 when he was 95 years old! In the modern era, a great philosopher, mathematician, and lovers of peace, Bertrand Russell, participate and was arrested in an anti-nuclear demonsttasi when he was 89 years old. And of course we can not forget Grandma Moses, who began painting at age 80. Did you know that approximately 25% of his paintings are as much as 1.500 paintings he made after the 100-year-old? Then there was Henry Little, the President Director of The Institution for Savings in Newburyport, Massachusetts, decided to retire so that younger people can take over. Mr. Little retired when he was 102 years old! Younger people who he meant was 83 years old.

Few Lessons

What can we learn from the examples above? They were all very high desire to do what meraka do. The desire or passion is a source of energy and make a person stay young, as it was written Benjamin Franklin,

"Those with deep love never old, maybe they died of old age, but in fact they die young."

They also realize, that it is better to be 70 years younger than the age of 40 years, so they do not let age stop them to pursue a dream. They understand that not too late to start doing something, and now is the time to act. Not like King Richard II, they never complain,

"I wasted time, and now is the time waste me"

Another lesson is, when the opportunity arises, they jump into it. Indeed, there is risk in it, but why are we afraid of life? Death, perhaps, but not with life. Rita Coolidge realized the importance of this when he said,

"Too often the opportunity comes knocking, but when we took off the chain, remove the padlock, opened the lock and turn off the burglar alarm, it was too late."

One thing, that the panacea to stay young is a new experience and knowledge that we can every day. Apparently Henry Ford felt the same, when he said,

"Anyone who stops learning is old people, no matter occurred at the age of 20 or 80. Anyone who is still learning not only youthful but still valuable, regardless of its physical capacity."

In the end, there is a saying that is worth considering,

"When you see old people warm-hearted, mild-mannered, stable, contain, and have a good sense of humor, be assured that the youth, caring generosity, and patience they have. In the end they did not lament the past, is also not afraid at the time front; they like at the end of the night a fun day. "

Berita Keselamatan - Strength Headquarters


Berita Keselamatan - Strength Headquarters

power in love, and people who can give love is a strong man, because he can beat his desire for self-serving.

There is strength in the joy of laughter, and those who laughed with delight is a strong person because he was never dissolved with the challenges and trials.

There is strength in peace themselves, and who himself is a happy peaceful strong person because he never wavered, and not easily swayed.

There is strength in kindness, and generous person who is a strong person because he never held her mouth and hands to do good for others.

There's strength in the goodness and good people are a strong person because he was always able to do good for everybody.

There is strength in the loyalty, and the faithful is a strong person because he can beat personal passions and desires with loyalty to God and neighbor.

There is strength in gentleness, and gentle person who is a strong person, because he can refrain from revenge.

There is power in self-mastery, and those who can control themselves is a strong person because he can control all worldly desires.

That's where where all the True Strength is ...

Realize you also have enough strength to overcome all your problems. Wherever, too, heavy and complicated as anything.

Berita Keselamatan - ASK ADVICE


Berita Keselamatan - ASK ADVICE

 Matt's three friends are planning to put bombs in the school, burning
 exit doors, then opened fire on teachers and students. Knowing
 , Matt confused: should he report to the school? "Close
 mouth alone, "suggested a friend," yet they do not necessarily plan
 seriously. "By contrast, Matt's mother advised him to report immediately.
 Matt's mother's advice. Schools are told, and police
 act. Three children in the house, police found explosives,
 weapons, masks, and the suicide note. Matt reports have
 save a high school in Texas from the terror of death!

 People can give us a variety of conflicting advice.
 Harmful if we follow the wrong advice! Rehoboam had
 ask for advice on two groups of people about how he should
 acted against the people. Contradicts their opinions. According
 group of elders or senior groups, as the new king Rehoboam
 should be soft and patient, so that the people of sympathy. However, according to
 peer groups, Rehoboam must be hard to maintain
 authority. Last advice easier and interesting, although not
 consistent with the principles of God's word. Rehoboam did. Consequently
 people had left.

 Before you follow someone's advice, test whether the advice is appropriate
 with the word of God. Also consider who is giving advice.
 Is he a spiritually mature and wise, or just a friend
 who want to support our opinions? Do not obey the advice
 only because of interesting to hear and in accordance with our assumption _JTI


Berita Keselamatan - POWER ELASTICITY


Berita Keselamatan - POWER ELASTICITY
    Means to grow in faith & witness to Christ
Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Reading: 2 Kings 7:3-11
Year: Mark 14-16
Nas: God set the steps of her life pleasing people
    to him; when he fell, not to lie, because
    God sustains his hand. (Psalm 37:23-24)

                          POWER ELASTICITY

 One of the games that are popular these days is
 bungee jumping. Players jumped from a height (usually a few
 hundred meters) with bound feet or body at one end
 a rope, while the other end of the rope tied to the point leap.
 The key game is the elasticity of the rope is made
 kind of rubber materials; serves not only to hold the
 players not to fall, but also returned to melambungkannya

 Humans actually have the power of elasticity. This power will be seen
 when we experience adversity. People who have the power
 good elasticity will not break easily and be ready in
 facing adversity, while people with the power of elasticity
 low will appear more fragile, vulnerable, and easily broken when
 facing adversity.

 Four of the leper in today's readings is a group of people who
 has the power of good elasticity. They lived at a time of war
 which produces difficulties and hunger. However, the difficulties of life
 it does not make them sit still and surrender. They just
 thinking how they survive and
 courage and their creative ideas that finally
 save, not just the four of them, but also the entire

 Must be admitted that the difficulty, disaster, or crisis, often
 forced us down. However, how to deal with adversity
 not to sit still and surrender to the situation, but
 do not give up and think creatively for a solution. And,
 be assured that the correct steps defined by the Lord

Berita Keselamatan - Greatest love


Berita Keselamatan - Greatest love

"There is no greater love than the love of a man who gave his life for his friends ..."

On one afternoon, a mortar shell landed in an orphanage in a small village in Vietnam. An orphanage worker and two children were killed instantly, some other children were injured, including a little girl about 8 years old.

The people of the village immediately requested medical assistance from the nearest town. Finally A doctor American Navy and a French nurse who happened to be in the city was willing to help. With a Jeep containing drugs and medical equipment they left for the orphanage.

Having seen the little girl's condition, doctors concluded that the child was in very critical condition. Without quick action, the child will soon die from blood loss. Blood transfusion is the best way to get out of this critical period.

Doctors and nurses are immediately held a brief test to the people at the orphanage - including children, to find a suitable blood type with the little girl. Of the test found some children who have blood match with the little girl.

The doctor, who is not so well berberbahasa Vietnam - tried hard to explain to these children - that the little girl could only be helped by using the blood of one's children. Then, with a variety of sign language, the medical team asked whether any of the kids who are willing to donate blood for the little girl who was seriously injured.

The request was met with silent. After a while, a boy raised his hand slowly, but in doubt he lowered his hand again, although a moment later he raised his hand again.

"Oh, thank you," the nurse said in broken. "What's your name?"

"Heng," replied the boy.

Heng then placed into a stretcher, his arm rubbed with alcohol, and then a needle is inserted into his veins. During this process, Heng lay still, not moving at all.

However, a few moments later she sobbed, and quickly covered her face with his free hand.

"Are you in pain, Heng?" asked the doctor. Heng shook his head, but was soon Heng cried again, louder this time. Once again the doctor asked, if the needle is stabbed him sick, and Heng shook his head again.

But the crying did not stop, even more heartbreaking. Heng eyes closed tightly, while trying his hand over her mouth to stop sobbing.

Medical team became concerned, there must be something wrong. Fortunately, a nurse came to Vietnam soon. Seeing the little boy who seemed depressed - he spoke rapidly in Vietnam. Vietnam nurse was listening to the child's answer with interest, and then the nurse was explaining something to Heng with a comforting tone.

The boy began to stop crying - and looked soft Vietnam nurse's eyes for a moment. When the nurse nodded Vietnam - was light shining on the face Heng relief.

As he looked up, the nurse said quietly to the American doctor, "He thought he was going to die. He was a misunderstanding. He thinks you are asked to provide blood to all the little girl was still alive."

"But why did he still want to do?" the nurse asked with a puzzled French.

Vietnam nurse it back to Heng asked .. and Heng replied briefly:

"He was my best friend .."

Berita Keselamatan - Disadvantages No Reason


Berita Keselamatan - Disadvantages No Reason

Emmanuel "Manny" Yarbrough never felt inferior to her body so much. Naturally, with a height of 2 meters and weight 350 pounds, who does not feel himself as a freak of society? However, he did not want to continue to drag on in the fall. He decided to remove negative thoughts about him. He started to get up and try to explore the potential that is within him. He also began to explore sport sumo. Proven, exercise is very compatible with a great body. After working hard and never give up, man from the U.S. has managed to become an amateur world champion sumo, sumo and became the most popular athlete outside of Japan.

Zacchaeus, the rich tax collector in Jericho, known for her short. But we also remember that although short, he is a person who does not easily give up. Because it wanted to see Jesus, the Bible records that he then did two things. First, he ran ahead of the crowd. Second, he climbed a tree so Ara can see Him.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses in him. Sometimes, we ourselves will be easier to see our shortcomings than to our strengths. Similarly, for others, lack of someone often be more visible than the advantages.

The mistake that often happens is that we only see our faults and stops at regret, or just ask someone else to understand. Not an attitude like that Zacchaeus owned. Zacchaeus did not protest or lament the condition of his body, but he wanted to act is running and climbing. Running bebicara about acting more quickly. Climbing is to be at higher places. Learning from Zacchaeus, if we are to succeed in life, it takes more than just aware of what our weaknesses, but particularly also realized what our strengths.

Do more, that's the key to success.

Do not let us cut short our success.

"So he ran ahead of the crowd, then climbed a fig tree to see Jesus, who will pass on it."
(Luke 19: 4)

Berita Keselamatan - Learning to respect others


Berita Keselamatan - Learning to respect others

"Hi gentlemen, be fair and honest with your servant; remember, you also have a master in heaven." Colossians 4:1

One of the many human needs is respect. Whether it's the rich, poor, high or low educated, live in cities, villages, even in once remote areas, it wants to be appreciated. The relationship between individuals will go well and harmoniously if each individual mutual respect: there are those who give awards and there receiving the award.

Everyone must try to gain the respect of others; any way must be followed. But in terms of giving credit to others, not all people want to do it. Obvious example is the relationship between the slave master, superior to subordinate. A master / boss always wants to be appreciated and respected, but not necessarily want to give credit to subordinates or servants even though they have to work hard and do their best. Is not it often happens around us? A master / employer to act arbitrarily against his subordinates, and even tended to look down. Word of the Lord this day reminds us, "Hey gentlemen, be fair and honest with your servant;" (paragraph 1a), not only command respect from subordinates.

Learn to give awards and praise for each subordinate our labors! Give credit to their subordinates will spur more excited to do chores and responsibilities. Conversely if the master / employer only insulting, cursing, demeaning and pressed his subordinates, it will lower morale and work motivation. Moreover, the master / employer which is actually a believer (Christian), should provide a good example and a testimony to our subordinates, rather than a stumbling block! Lord Jesus himself who is the King of kings and Lord of lords "... did not come to be served but to serve and to give His spirit as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28).

God wants us to love one another and each other in a salute ahead (see Romans 12:10).

Berita Keselamatan - Every Storm Will End


Berita Keselamatan - Every Storm Will End

Do you suffer loss recently?
Jobs? A relationship? The goods stolen from you?

Many of my friends lost a lot of things in the flood recently.
My friend lost his house. My friend lost his business. With tears, my aunt said, "Bo, I lost all the goods that had accumulated during 50 years of my life!" Some friends told me that what is most painful is the loss of all photo-lifetime memories.

Friends, I have a message for you today: Believe that every storm will end. And after the storm, the new morning begins.

Remember that every loss is temporary.

If you lose a loved one, loss it is only temporary. In heaven, you will see your lover again and your reunion will last forever.

If you lose the image, believing that in heaven, God will give back to your DVD copy of all the good memories that you have in your life. (I'm not sure what the video version they use in there, but I'm sure it will be the most modern. Maybe it is a virtual video!)

If you lose the material things or opportunities or relationships, believing that God was creating the space for something better to come your way.

How this will be "better"?
Began grateful.
This is not a typo.
In the midst of losing you, thanks.

I know you'll complain, "Bo, how to be grateful! I lost half my life!"
Well, thanks for the other half that you still have.
Do not focus on what's missing, focus on what you still have.
You have so many things that are good!
Say it with me, "I'm very blessed to be stressed." (Not the original of me. I get from the sticker.)

Why grateful?

Because you will attract the things you focus on. I've said before many times, but I'll keep saying it until God calls me home. Because it is so powerful.

When you are grateful, you will attract more blessings than what you're grateful.
Gratitude is a magnet blessing.

Berita Keselamatan - Reprove With Love


Berita Keselamatan - Reprove With Love

The meaning of reprimand was given a reprimand, advise, educate and remind. The attitude of people in receiving a variety of reprimand. Some welcome, some mediocre, there are agreed only to speed up the process of talks, some rejected the firm, there are twisted, and some even offended and angry, and many more other reactions.

Some of the truths we need to know when calling someone else:
1. Reprimand should be based in love. Indeed there is a risk to be rebuked by people who do not like us, but if she needs to reprimand, rebuke!

To love is not meant to always agree, have always agreed, must always smiling sweetly. Necessary rebuke to love wrapped with honesty and straightforwardness, without pretending.

Reprimand is based on love would cover the breach of that person. People who rebuked by love would be easier to accept the rebuke addressed to him and consequently the related possibilities for change become larger. Conversely if we rebuked by not based on love, the result is a fight. Argument is not a final destination that we want to achieve.

2. Reprimand should be with wisdom. Wisdom will help us to provide an appropriate reprimand. Wisdom here means includes techniques, ways, words, time, place and circumstances for the delivery of appropriate reprimand.

3. Results from reprimand to use wisdom to bear fruit sweet. Initially there may be friction, and may even create conflicts with the relevant. However, we still need to take this risk.

4. Do not hold a reprimand for fear of the risk of friction and conflict.
One form of love is the wise admonition. When we do not do this, we mean no fear of God. No fear of God is sin. Do not be afraid to rebuke when necessary!

Then how reprimanded by using wisdom?
1. Gently scolded. Gentleness is one of the necessary fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:23). Gentle does not mean weak or wishy-washy. A gentle attitude that want to understand the conditions and limitations of others.

2. Know clearly the people who need to be rebuked, the people who do not have to reprimand, time and circumstances appropriate to call it. Although when we know someone is wrong, there are times when we need to use wisdom. Well, not necessarily we can rebuke, sometimes even holding a reprimand or a reprimand does not require a special wisdom.

Here are some of the characteristics of people who do not have to reprimand or rebuke you should hold another at the time:

- People who do not want to listen to a reprimand and a reprimand ignore, even hated reproof. These people are those who will drain our emotions. So do not spend time, energy, and emotion to people who do not want to hear. Not because we do not care, but there are other opportunities more appropriate to call it. Simply bring this person in DOA.

- People who enjoy silat said. When you give a reprimand to the person who likes to silat words, these people will keep giving answers and reasons. Save your breath! Stop right there and bring this person in DOA.

Reprimand ways are as follows:
1. Reprimand were alone, not in front of others. People will more easily lose the ego when reprimanded privately without the presence of others. At the moment there are other people present, the tendency to defend themselves and defend the ego will be greater than when only two.

2. When not working alone, ask for help 1 or 2 other people to call it. This should see the case as well. Not all cases can be treated similarly. If necessary help from 1 or 2 other people, do it!

3. If after asking for help from 1 or 2 people still does not work as well, ask for help more people. This only needs to be done for these cases very seriously. For cases that can invite a lot of anxiety for people, this needs to be done. If he is still not going to listen to a reprimand, saving your breath! Simply bring the relevant in your PRAYERS.

So, you're ready to give warning? Amen.

The danger lies


The danger lies

Temple University medical school has conducted research
Interesting about the lies. They formed two groups. Group
first asked to tell a lie. The second group
asked to tell the truth. During the activity, the brain response
They analyzed the MRI machine. Stunning result! Apparently
the "liar" to enable nine areas in the brain, whereas
who is telling the truth only wear four areas. To lie,
proved brain works twice as hard!

Lie was expensive cost. Not only exhausting the brain, but
also add sin. Ananias and Sapphira to bear serious consequences
by lying. This is because they make offerings to the
motivational one: to be the name. Imitating other community members (see
verses 32-26), they also sell the land, but the results are only
dedicated part. When asked, they claimed to have
give it all. To be known as a philanthropist or a major donor
church, they are willing to lie in front of God and the church!

The temptation to lie comes when we want people to see us more
of who we really are. Then we began to boast. Compose
great story about ourselves. Create an impression of how spiritual
our lives. How our family harmony. Our thick mask
use, that is considered "one class". How exhausting life
like that! A liar will hate God and do not trust
others. His reputation was going to die. Better to be honest about yourself
us. What is. You do not need to be a great person. Enough so people
modest _JTI


e-RH version of the web:

Acts 5:1-11

1. There was another man named Ananias. He and his wife Sapphira
sold a plot of land.
2. With his wife's knowledge he kept a portion of the proceeds
and some others brought and laid at the feet
3. But Peter said: "Ananias, why Satan filled your heart,
so that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and kept a portion of the results
sale of land?
4. During the land was not sold, is not it still yours, and
after the sale, is not the result remained in Your power? Why
you plan to do so in your heart? You are not
lied to men, but to God. "
5. When he heard these words, Ananias rebahlah and putuslah
life. So very frightened all who heard it
6. Then came some young people, they shroud the body,
carried it out and go bury it.
7. About three hours later the wife of Ananias come in, but he
do not know what had happened.
8. Peter said to him: "Tell me, with the price sekiankah
land that you sell? "A woman:" That's all. "
9. Peter said: "Why do you both agree to tempt the Spirit
God? Behold, the people who had to bury your husband standing in the
front door and they will carry you out also. "
10. Then rebahlah woman immediately in front of Peter's feet
and putuslah life. When the young men came in, they
found he was dead, and they carried it out and
buried beside her husband.
11. And great fear came the whole congregation and all those who
heard about it.

Berita Keselamatan - News-Patient Safety in suffering


Berita Keselamatan - News-Patient Safety in suffering

1 Peter 5:10
.. You've heard of the perseverance of Job and you have to know what is ultimately provided by God for him, because God all-loving and compassionate.

God knows His servants who love him, sometimes the burden of suffering and allowed to come by God. But it does not come from him, only permits. Reflected from the story of Job how he remained faithful to God despite hardship on him.

Loyalty is a form of our love for God, because God has power over life and love of our grief. Stay patient and establish the liver.

For as the parable of farmers in the fields, he brought up in the morning sow seeds hoes, the heat of the sun. And when he came home, had menuaikah results taburannya? Not yet!! He brought back hoes and clothes covered with dirt and sweat.

On the next day he left carrying hoes went to the fields, after dr house. Is he able tuaiannya results? Not yet!! Only clothes dirt grime, and sweat. Then the next day and the next day again and again until one day the farmer brought home tuaiannya results. So did our loyalty, be patient because God knows and knows the limits of our abilities. So that the power will appear just in His time.

Praise God
Teach me always to not sulk
In the face of temptation, because I believe you are the God who could and would do great things in my life.
Hallelujah. God is good

News Safety - Write down your dreams!


News Safety - Write down your dreams!

Then the LORD answered me, saying: "Write the vision and ukirkanlah it on tablets, so that people can read it in passing (Habakkuk 2:2)

In this life, every person must have their own vision. They must have the purpose, goals, and the results they want to achieve.

Then how they would describe their dreams? How they will achieve it? With whether they will achieve it? All this of course should be started one thing, namely: writing on paper.

The winner, write down all your dreams on paper. Write down what you want to do. Describe in detail each step, you want to take in achieving that dream.

Do not say, "Oh there's no point, I write all that. Yet there anything that will happen later. It'll be the same!" But believe me, the moment you begin to write your dreams on paper, the supernatural power of God will be with you.

God will make all that happen! All this will not remain a mere dream! But the Lord will send people around you, to make your dreams come true. Even what you never thought, that's what will God provide for you!

Today, too, decided to write all your dreams on paper. Write down what God put in your heart. Then leave it to God, all the dreams and plans. And he will make it successful.



Berita Keselamatan - Nats: Jemputlah Markus dan bawalah ia kemari, karena pelayanannya
     berguna bagiku (2 Timotius 4:11)
                   BATU OPAL YANG KUSAM

Seorang ahli batu-batuan memasuki toko perhiasan. Penjaga menunjukkan
koleksi tokonya yang indah-indah. Ternyata, di antara permata yang
berkilau itu ada sebutir batu yang kusam. "Tunggu sebentar," kata
pelanggan itu. Ia mengambil batu itu dan menggenggamnya erat-erat.
Setelah beberapa saat, ia membuka tangannya, dan kini batu itu
berkilau begitu elok! "Ini batu opal atau ada yang menyebutnya
permata simpatik," katanya. "Cukup digenggam, keindahannya pun akan

Paulus dan Barnabas bertengkar sengit gara-gara Markus. Barnabas
ingin melibatkan Markus dalam tim misi, tetapi Paulus menolaknya
karena pemuda itu pernah meninggalkan tim sebelumnya (Kisah Para
Rasul 13:13). Namun, secara mengejutkan, nama Markus muncul lagi,
dipuji Paulus dalam suratnya sebagai orang yang "pelayanannya penting
bagiku" (2 Timotius 4:11).

Alkitab tidak menjelaskan proses perubahan yang dialami Markus.
Namun, kita bisa membayangkan setidaknya dua kemungkinan. Pertama,
Barnabas menggosok dan menajamkan karakter Markus, sehingga pemuda
itu berubah menjadi murid Kristus yang setia. Kedua, Paulus
mengampuni Markus dan memberinya kesempatan kedua; dan Markus pun
membuktikan bahwa dirinya murid yang layak dipercaya. Melalui
genggaman Barnabas dan Paulus, batu opal bernama Markus itu menjadi

Jangan terkecoh oleh penampilan "kusam" seorang murid Kristus.
Mungkin ia memerlukan "genggaman tangan": pendampingan yang konsisten
dan berkesinambungan. Apabila ada saudara seiman yang gagal dalam
pelayanan, ampunilah ia dan ulurkan kesempatan kedua --ARS


e-RH Situs:



Berita Keselamatan - Nats: Hendaklah damai sejahtera Kristus memerintah dalam hatimu,
     karena untuk itulah kamu telah dipanggil dalam satu tubuh
     (Kolose 3:15)
                       PROMOSI BURUK

Di sebuah gereja terjadi perselisihan tajam. Masalahnya sederhana.
Paduan Suara A dijadwalkan mengisi pujian sesudah khotbah di
kebaktian Minggu. Namun, rupanya ada salah komunikasi. Pada Minggu
itu ternyata ada Paduan Suara tamu yang akan membawakan dua pujian,
sebelum dan sesudah khotbah. Setelah berunding, diputuskan Paduan
Suara A digeser mengisi pujian sebelum Doa Syafaat. Beberapa angota
Paduan Suara A tidak terima, merasa tersinggung, lalu "meledak".
Sampai ada yang mundur dari pelayanan, bahkan yang pindah gereja.

Perselisihan di gereja tidak jarang dipicu dan dipacu oleh masalah
kecil. Namun, karena disikapi dengan kekerasan hati, tidak mau
mengalah, prasangka buruk, dan sikap egoistis, akhirnya menjadi
masalah besar yang menguras waktu, tenaga, pikiran, dan perasaaan.
Padahal, seperti dikatakan oleh Paulus, "Adanya saja perkara di
antara kamu yang seorang terhadap yang lain telah merupakan kekalahan
bagi kamu" (1 Korintus 6:7). Dengan kata lain, kalau orang-orang di
dalam gereja berantem, tidak ada yang akan diuntungkan. Malah yang
rugi gereja sendiri; persekutuan jemaat jadi terganggu, sukacita
melayani hilang, dan keluar juga jadi promosi buruk.

Maka, penting sekali untuk kita kembali ke identitas kita sebagai
orang-orang pilihan Allah yang dikuduskan dan dikasih-Nya (ayat 12).
Dan hidup berpadanan sesuai identitas tersebut, yaitu dengan
menunjukkan belas kasihan, kemurahan, kerendahan hati,
kelemahlembutan dan kesabaran. Kiranya damai sejahtera Kristus
memerintah dalam hati kita, sehingga kita dijauhkan dari segala
pikiran dan perasaan yang tidak membangun --AYA


e-RH Situs:



Berita Keselamatan - Tanggal: Kamis, 3 Desember 2009
Bacaan : Nehemia 6
Setahun: Roma 12-16
Nats: Karena itu, Saudara-saudaraku yang terkasih, berdirilah teguh,
     jangan goyah, dan giatlah selalu dalam pekerjaan Tuhan!
     (1 Korintus 15:58)
                      BUKAN JALAN TOL

Jalan tol adalah jalan bebas hambatan. Jalan tol dibangun dengan
tujuan supaya setiap pengendara mobil tidak perlu mengalami kemacetan
di jalan raya. Dengan demikian, para pengendara mobil akan semakin
cepat sampai di tempat tujuan.

Akan tetapi, kita tidak dapat berharap bahwa kemudahan dan kelancaran
yang terjadi di jalan tol, juga terjadi di dalam hidup kita. Hidup
kita sama sekali bukan jalan tol. Justru dalam hidup ini kita kerap
kali menemukan hambatan. Bahkan, ketika kita hendak melakukan hal-hal

Demikian pula pengalaman Nehemia ketika hendak membangun kembali
tembok Yerusalem. Pada awalnya, segala persiapan serta jalan yang
akan ditempuh tampak lancar. Akan tetapi, di tengah proses
pembangunan datanglah hambatan dari Sanbalat dan Tobia. Sanbalat dan
Tobia, yang tidak suka pembangunan tembok itu dilakukan, berencana
untuk membunuh Nehemia (ayat 2). Di dalam pikiran mereka, apabila
Nehemia mati, bangsa itu akan kehilangan sosok pemimpin. Dan, itu
menjadi alasan yang kuat untuk menghentikan pembangunan tembok
Yerusalem. Sampai-sampai ia juga menyuap orang Semaya, orang yang
dekat dengan Nehemia (ayat 10-13). Namun, Nehemia tetap berfokus pada
proses pembangunan. Maju terus pantang mundur. Dan Allah melindungi
Nehemia, sehingga pembangunan tembok itu pun selesai (ayat 15).

Tidak jarang dalam hidup ini kita mendapat hambatan. Cara yang
terbaik untuk mengatasinya adalah tetap memfokuskan diri pada
pekerjaan baik tersebut, dan terus berjalan. Kita harus selalu ingat
bahwa tujuan hambatan hanya ingin membuat kita berhenti --RY

                         BERARTI ANDA KALAH

e-RH Situs:

Berita Keselamatan - SIKAPKU, PILIHANKU


Berita Keselamatan - SIKAPKU, PILIHANKU

Sikap adalah pilihan pribadi. Apabila pikiran dipenuhi hal negatif,
sehingga keluar sikap buruk seperti murung, putus asa, dendam, kita
tidak boleh menyalahkan orang lain atau kondisi di sekitar, sebab itu
pilihan kita. Seandainya kita mau mengubah pikiran ke hal yang
optimis dan positif, maka sikap kita pun akan mengikuti. Yang unik,
dalam waktu yang bersamaan, otak kita tak dapat memikirkan dua hal
sekaligus. Jadi, kita harus memilih.

Hari ini kita diminta memikirkan semua yang benar, mulia, manis,
sedap didengar, bajik, dan patut dipuji (ayat 8). Mungkin hidup Anda
saat ini sungguh terasa pahit, getir, dan sulit, tetapi mari kita
lihat Paulus. Ketika ia menasihati jemaat Filipi yang menghadapi
tekanan dan kesulitan hidup, Paulus sendiri sebenarnya sedang sangat
susah. Ia menuliskan surat itu dari dalam penjara, dalam kondisi
teraniaya karena Injil. Namun, ia memilih bersikap positif dan
optimis. Jadi, ia bisa melihat peluang untuk memberitakan Injil
kepada para narapidana, pegawai penjara, bahkan pejabat istana yang
menangani kasusnya (Filipi 1:12-14). Bahkan, ia menghibur banyak
jemaat yang ditimpa kesulitan melalui suratnya, sebab dalam penjara
ia punya banyak waktu untuk menulis, berdoa, dan memuji Tuhan.

Paulus dapat melakukan hal ini karena ia memilih untuk menambatkan
hatinya kepada Allah; memenuhi hatinya dengan kasih kepada jiwa-jiwa
terhilang dan jemaat yang dilayaninya. Maka, penjara hanya bisa
mengurung tubuhnya. Sedang pikirannya tetap dipenuhi oleh semua yang
benar, mulia, manis, sedap didengar, bajik, dan patut dipuji. Jika
Anda sedang susah, mengapa harus menjadi lebih susah dengan memilih
sikap pesimis atau negatif? Ayo bangkitlah! --SST


e-RH Situs:
e-RH Arsip:  
Ayat Alkitab:      

   Filipi 4:1-8

 1. Karena itu, saudara-saudara yang kukasihi dan yang
   kurindukan, sukacitaku dan mahkotaku, berdirilah juga dengan
   teguh dalam Tuhan, hai saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih!
 2  Euodia kunasihati dan Sintikhe kunasihati, supaya sehati
   sepikir dalam Tuhan.
 3  Bahkan, kuminta kepadamu juga, Sunsugos, temanku yang setia:
   tolonglah mereka. Karena mereka telah berjuang dengan aku dalam
   pekabaran Injil, bersama-sama dengan Klemens dan kawan-kawanku
   sekerja yang lain, yang nama-namanya tercantum dalam kitab
 4  Bersukacitalah senantiasa dalam Tuhan! Sekali lagi
   kukatakan: Bersukacitalah!
 5  Hendaklah kebaikan hatimu diketahui semua orang. Tuhan sudah
 6  Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi
   nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa
   dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur.
 7  Damai sejahtera Allah, yang melampaui segala akal, akan
   memelihara hati dan pikiranmu dalam Kristus Yesus.
 8  Jadi akhirnya, saudara-saudara, semua yang benar, semua yang
   mulia, semua yang adil, semua yang suci, semua yang manis, semua
   yang sedap didengar, semua yang disebut kebajikan dan patut
   dipuji, pikirkanlah semuanya itu.

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