Berita Keselamatan - Do not delay!


Berita Keselamatan - Do not delay!

 In a caricature, it seems someone was sitting on the edge of a river with rushing water flow. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Help, help, help!" He does not know the meaning of those words, because
 never learned English. Thankfully he took the dictionary,
 so be looking for the meaning of the word. Once knowing
 that is, he immediately jumped to help. But too late, the man had died.

 What will we do when seeing someone needs
 help us, when we are able to do something for him?
 Surely we do not want someone too late to accept help
 us, is not it? Paul teaches us to be ready to preach
 word of God to the needy. Perhaps there are many
 the people around us who need to hear the news
 Gospel - neighbors, friends, cousins, brothers, sisters, or even
 our own parents. We may feel less understand the contents
 Bible, so afraid of preaching the word of God to
 them. Therefore, from now on let us commit to
 have a close communion with God through quiet time, prayer, Bible study, and so forth, so that we can be fully prepared
 preach the word when he saw people in need.

 What makes us pause preach the gospel to the people closest to us? We do not want to be late to help a loved one, is not it? Therefore, today the word of God reminds us to "Tell the word, ready or not willing well-timed, stating what is wrong, call and nasihatilahdengan all patience and teaching" (verse 2)

         WE WILL HELP LATE our loved ones, IF WE ALWAYS preaching delay

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