Berita Keselamatan - Where are you God?


Berita Keselamatan - Where are you God?
Isaiah 8:17; Job 23:9-10

Very easy to worship God and says that He is good when things are going well, when he recruit all of our needs, putting the friends both in our environment, the gift of health and joy, thanks to the efforts and work in a good position.

But what do we do when we do not feel God's presence or when he feels distant?
Masihkan we continue to worship and believe in Him even though there is no help coming from him.

Rick Warren says, "the deepest level of worship is praising God while suffering, give thanks to Him at the time of trial, hoping to Him when tempted, surrendering while suffering, and love Him as God seems far away." On the one relationship, there are times where we feel very close to our friends, but there are also times when friends seem distant. This is the same as in our relationship with God, one thing we need to understand that building a relationship with God will in turn make us more faithful.

How ourselves as God so far, when he left us alone to bear the long suffering, and when our prayers as not to? Job's wife mocked belief of God according to Job because Job's loyalty is useless. Imagine, as though God does not care and loyalty to him as not seen. But what Job do?
"Actually when I went to the east, he was not there; or to the west, was not found him, in my search for He's north, he was not looking, I turned to the south, I do not see him. Because he knows the way of my life, if he tested I am, I will arise such as gold. " (Job 23:9-10)

What a state we do not want our common experience, believe that it is a test to which the loyalty and steadfastness of our faith in God. Not a few people get desperate when subjected to the test. They were disappointed, despair, protest and blame God when there is in these difficult situations. victory will be achieved only by those who are faithful and tested.

Art success in life is to pay attention and do the little things just like the big thing.

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