Berita Keselamatan - PERFECT


Berita Keselamatan - PERFECT

A friend of mine advised to learn to be adults. What
did he do? When asked how old he was, he put the number
which made him two-three years older. He also liked to pretend
advising other friends the same age or in fact more

Produce false sense of wrong actions. We
may also be confused when told to be perfect
like the Father in heaven. Does that mean we should be immune to
mistakes and failures?

Perfect, or teleios Greek, means an adult, mature,
already reached a goal, complete, intact. Kathleen Norris in a book
Amazing Grace describes the meaning of perfection is interesting. He
wrote, "Perfection, in the Christian sense, means being
mature enough, so we can give ourselves to the people
other. Whatever we have, no matter how small
it seems, is something we can share with
those who are poorer. Such perfection requires us
to be ourselves fully as ordained by God:
adult, mature, whole, ready to endure anything that happened to live
we are. "

To be perfect, we do not have to act funny like
my friend had. Our Father in heaven a model of perfection with
bless the good people and bad people. We can
be perfect to learn to love without discrimination and
be more patient with others

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