Berita Keselamatan - TEMPTATIONS OF THE


Berita Keselamatan - TEMPTATIONS OF THE

The temptation of the often far more dangerous than
challenges from outside. Data released by DLLAJR
(Department of Transportation Traffic Highway) from year to year
shows, traffic accidents caused by more
negligence of the driver or vehicle conditions are inadequate, rather than
caused by weather or road conditions are bad.

Our lives too. If a ship is sailing, there are times we
buffeted by big waves and storm; either illness,
difficulties in the workplace, rumor-s in the family, or
problems in service. All that can be shattered ark
our lives. However, the danger is more "deadly" is precisely
comes from within ourselves; form of greed, arrogance,
impure thoughts, jealousy, resentment, and so on.

About the danger from within is the "appointed" by the Lord Jesus
in reading the Bible today. When was the disciples did not wash
hands before eating (paragraph 2), while the Pharisees wash hands
in a certain way (paragraph 3). In Jewish law, does not wash
hands before eating is a big mistake, not because the problem
hygiene and health, but because it is considered unclean
in the eyes of God (verse 5).

Lord Jesus wanted to correct this assumption. He seemed
said, "You're so busy taking care what what goes into the stomach.
And the more dangerous it is out of the heart and
your mind "(verses 18-23). So, let us alert to the
temptations that undermine our hearts and minds. May God
help us

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